Summer is upon us

End of Spring half term

We ended the half term with a huge congratulations to Sycamore House who were the winners of the cup. Superb effort and I can't wait to hear what treat they negotiate. We certainly saw how much they enjoyed the end of term disco so maybe they'll choose to party! It was also lovely to celebrate in our end of half term assembly - the wonderful citizens in our school. It is always such a special time to recognise important skills and qualities that make Garswood such a special place to be.

It was also fun to wave goodbye to the butterflies. Reception have loved watching the metamorphosis and are very clear to ensure they are using the correct vocabulary to describe each of the stages. They very quickly corrected my incorrect use of the word cocoon and also informed me that the correct plural form of chrysalis is chrysalides! Well done Reception!

Thank you to Y4 for a superb assembly on crime and punishment through the ages. What excellent performers and I was glad to see Macavity the Mystery Cat was finally brought to justice! 

The coming half term is set to be a very busy one with lots of dates for the diary. The calendar provides more detail but here are some important ones to note.

  • Y6 London trip -  6-8th June
  • Y1/2 Phonic screening - 11-15th June 
  • Reception Liverpool Philharmonic trip - 19th June
  • Y4/5 PGL trip - 20th - 22nd June
  • New Reception 2018 induction meeting - 26th June
  • Whole School Sport's Day - 28th June 
  • Y6 Sport Celebration - 29th June
  • Garswood Carnival - 30th June
  • Y6 Health stalls - 2nd July
  • Winners KS2 poetry festival - 4th July
  • Y6 transition visits to Rainford - 6th July
  • Y6 end of year play - 11th July
  • Y6 ball - 20th July
  • Celebration Assembly - 23rd July
  • Y6 Leavers' Assembly - 24th July 

Thank you as ever for your support and your interest in our school. Here's to a great final half term and a super send of to our Year 6 class.

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