Forest Schools

In academic year 2015-2016 we were delighted to embark on a new curriculum experience with our children. The adventure that is 'Forest School' has now spread throughout Garswood and we now have 4 staff fully trained in Forest Schools


Mrs Bagshaw

Mrs Meehan

Mrs Hattersley

Miss Jenkinson


and 2 with Forest School Assistant training. We even have a Governor attending the training too. Across the school children are participating in events to develop their team building, problem solving, independence, resilience and all outside having fresh air and forest fun!


The children will all get the opportunity to experience forest schools and we now have developed a more extensive area for forest school activities. We have plans to enhance this even further thanks to money raised by our Families Association.


As well as being popular with the children - we have seen children develop their confidence and resilience. We have seen children excel and show a real talent for practical skills. These skills are lifelong and the attitudes and principles developed underpin who the children grow to become.

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