Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Rollason
Miss Jenkinson
Mrs Rumsey
Class Teacher: Miss Jenkinson (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Teacher - Mrs Rollason teaches in Year 2 on Tuesday
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Livesley, Mrs O'Brien & Mrs Rumsey
Welcome to our Year 2 page!
In Year 2, our children continue to develop their love of learning and independence. They are given lots of responsibilities and encouraged to challenge themselves to achieve their full potential! We work in partnership with our families to best support and encourage our children to be the best they can be, and above all…be happy!
The children have engaging daily maths lessons and English, phonics and 'spelling, punctuation and grammar'; they have weekly foundation lessons too. In Year 2 we consistently recall new and prior learning to ensure it remains in their long-term memory. The children benefit greatly from a wealth of different resources - exploring artefacts, recall facts using devices/sources and while bringing learning to life on exciting trips and learning experiences.
Our Year 2 classroom is welcoming and provides lots of resources to help learning progress. There are also plenty of opportunities for the children to learn outside - develop their gross motor skills, teamwork and resilience. They also consolidate and extend their learning through accessing the areas in the classroom including the writing area, the maths area and newly refurbished reading corner.
Year 2 will also take part in Forest School sessions. Activities include - campfire cooking, den building and tree climbing (to name just a few). They will also learn a variety of knots to make frames and to use as a life skill in the future.
Important things to remember: -
- We do PE twice a week – please ensure your child has their full indoor and outdoor kit kept in school for the full half term. This will return home at the end of each half term to be washed.
- Homework is set on a Friday and completed by the following Wednesday. A homework book will be sent home for your child to complete homework in.
- Children will read at least 3 times per week at home - please log these reads on the Little Wandle record sheets,
- Learn focused spellings at home.
- Reading books will be collected in, and a new book will be issued each Friday.
- Water bottles - children should bring a clean, full, water bottle with their name clearly labelled each day. This should have enough water to drink throughout the day.
- A healthy afternoon snack will be provided but children are welcome to bring a healthy morning snack to enjoy during playtime (no crisps or chocolate).
Files to Download
Year 2: News items
Democracy in action, by Mrs Potter
The votes are in!, by Mrs Potter
Every little helps, by Mrs Potter
Year 2: Gallery items
George Stephenson - visit to St Helens Transport Museum, Rainhill Station & World of Glass., by Miss Jenkinson
DT - Vehicles, by Miss Jenkinson
Key Stage 1 Christmas Party, by Mrs Meehan