Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Myatt
SENCO, Senior Leader and Teacher
Mrs Brown
Mrs. Myatt - Class Teacher
Mrs Brown and Mrs Quinn- Learning Assistants
Mrs Quinn, Mrs Hill & Mr Veitch- Midday Supervisors
Year 4 is an exciting year where the children are beginning to prepare for the Upper Juniors. Learning new knowledge and skills, to enable the transition into Year 5 to be a smooth and seamless one. In Year 4 the children are always encouraged to strive for excellence both independently and as part of a team.
Learning Environment:
The Year 4 classroom has structure and a clear working environment. We strive to ensure all children make superb progress towards their goals. The environment is a safe and caring one where children’s individual talents and achievements are recognised and built upon. We have a Maths area and a class Library where the children are encouraged to develop their independence by accessing the resources when necessary. We are fortunate to have access to computers outside and in our classroom, which we use daily to enhance our learning, through accessing My Lexia and We also have weekly access to the computer suite where all children are able to learn how to create power points, debug algorithms and are introduced to data handling and understand concepts such as, what is cyber-bullying?
English and Maths:
English and Maths are taught daily and are often incorporated into other lessons. The activities we complete range from practical to written. Our English lessons will be set around books such as 'I Believe in Unicorns’ and ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’. We use the text to explore grammatical features and to provide us with inspiration for exploring and writing various text types. We have working walls for both English and Maths and ensure that we carefully build upon previous learning. We ensure that we support all pupils to progress and deliver catch up sessions daily.
We have ensured that the curriculum is well thought out for our children and have created sequences of lessons that build upon knowledge in a logical order. We revist sticky knowledge to ensure that the children can retain it and use to build upon. Visits, trips and experiences are woven in to again help children to retain the important information within the topics.
Important things to remember: -
- PE is twice a week – please remember to have your indoor and outdoor PE kits in school.
- Homework is set on a Friday and completed by the following Thursday. An A4 homework book is sent home to enable your child to complete homework tasks.
- Homework will consist of: reading at least 3 times per week and spellings to learn for their weekly spelling test.
- Home reading books will be collected and given out on Thursdays.
- Water bottles - please send in a clean, full water bottle each day.
- Please send a healthy morning snack for your child to enjoy during morning playtime (no crisps or chocolate).
Year Four is when we introduce the children to residential school trips. We have used PGL for many, many years and each visit has been perfect. The children develop such reseilience, independence and further develop their friendships.
Thank you,
Y4 Staff
Year 4: News items
Democracy in action, by Mrs Potter
The votes are in!, by Mrs Potter
Every little helps, by Mrs Potter
Year 4: Gallery items
Year 4 - Wick Editor, by Miss Moon
Garswood Yogurt Mart, by Mrs Hattersley
Year 4 Bridges, by Mrs Myatt