Our Governing Body is made up of... 10 co-opted Governors, 4 parent Governors, 1 staff Governor, a Local Authority Governor and the Head teacher.
Cllr Sue Murphy MBELA GovernorChair of Governors |
Mr Ian GreenCo-opted GovernorVice Chair of Governors |
Mrs Catherine AchillesCo-opted Governor |
Parish Cllr Brenda AshcroftCo-opted Governor |
Mrs Marilyn RidingCo-opted Governor |
Mrs Pamela PotterHead teacher Governor |
Mr Andrew YearsleyCo-opted Governor |
Mrs Lucy MyattStaff Governor |
Mrs Jill BraithwaiteCo-opted Governor |
Mr Andy SimpsonCo-opted Governor |
Mrs Jane HandCo-opted Governor |
Mrs. Yvette BeardsworthCo-opted Governor |
Mrs Kara DuffyParent Governor |
Mr Andrew HieronsParent Governor |
Mrs Cheryl HamiltonCo-opted Governor |
Governors play a significant role in the strategic leadership of the school. They also ensure that they remain in touch with the day to day life of school to support them in their role.