Other extra curricular clubs
Garswood School Governors
Pupil voice is important at Garswood. Our Governing Body has a shadow set of Governors made up from our Y5 and Y6 pupils. The committees all meet each term to discuss items relevant to the agendas and to help support the Governing Body in undertaking their roles as Governors at the school.
Garsmart - School Shop
We have developed a school shop that , fitting with our Healthy School status, only sells healthy snacks. It is available at breaktimes for the Junior children to access and is completely run by the children.
We have a school shop team with directors, a marketing team and sales managers. Each week the stock is monitored and one of the shop team ring to order.
It's a fantastic enterprise and whilst the children get healthy snacks they also learn how to run a business!
Mrs Hattersley leads a determined group of junior children who want to improve our school and do a great job of it too! They visit Gilmoss Recycling Centre to help them with their understanding of how we can be more eco-friendly at school.
Gist Team
Miss Moon runs a club of Internet safety warriors known as GIST (Garswood Internet Safety Team) whose job is to educate the school and beyond about matters of Internet safety. They have their own website page in our e safety section!
Subject Ambassadors
Each of the subject leaders have a group of children with whom they work to promote their curriculum subject. For example, Miss Moon and Mrs Meehan support a group of children who promote maths across the school through challenges and puzzles to get everyone to love maths as much as they do. Mrs Calderbank has a proactive group who have organised quizzes and games in French as part of their quest to engage interest in Modern Foreigh Languages.
School Council
Mrs Rollason/Mrs Bagshaw facilitate a council meeting each week to discuss important issues throughout the school. They feed back to the senior leadership team and the children in the school.
We have a group of children who enjoy singing together. They have performed this year at the local Christmas Light switch on.