Booster classes
Booster classes will be starting week beginning 23rd February!
Year six have the opportunity to attend booster classes after school, two days a week, (Monday and Wednesday) 3.30 - 4.30pm. Classes will involve revision of Literacy and Numeracy topics in preparation for the SATs tests in May.
The classes are often led by the children’s interests and requests of specific areas they require support in, or areas they wish to boost their knowledge in.
The children are split into small groups according to the level they are working at and taught by teachers across the school.
In recent years we have had 100% attendance and children have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to contribute to lesson ideas and consolidate learning in smaller groups. The booster classes will last for nine weeks concluding the week before the SATs test week beginning 11th May 2015.
Week 1 23rd February - Boosters this week will be on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th due to staff training.
Subsequent weeks will be on Mondays and Wednesdays.