Fun at FROGS Frost Fair

Thank you to the Friends and Relatives of Garswood School (FROGS) who planned a super frost fair at our school this evening. Thank you to all of the wonderful staff who helped to make it happen. Finally a huge thanks to the families who came along to support the event. 

It was a huge success with so many people commenting on how much they had enjoyed it. 


There was facepainting, nail painting, guess the name of the teddy and the weight of the cake, plate painting, gift wrapping, tombola, Christmas and coffee shops, reindeer food. There were cakes for sale and hot dogs to enjoy. We even had an grotto outside with a very special visitor who came along to the event. 


Once again, thank you for coming along and we are delighted that everyone had such a great time.

BREAKING NEWS: FROGS report that over £1800 has been raised! Wow! Well done and thank you to everyone!

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