Harvest Treat

Year 4 led the school in a Harvest Assembly impressing community visitors and relations alike with their amazing singing and superb speaking voices. They delivered some powerful messages using letters from the word HARVEST - reminding us all why we should feel thankful.


In the tradition of Garswood, Mrs Almond, our school cook, baked a harvest loaf which was cut into 250 pieces and shared amongst the children and the staff.


Thank you to all for the kind donations. Food donations continue to be sent into school and have been kindly taken by Mrs Braithwaite to St Helens Foodbank. http://sthelens.foodbank.org.uk/


Some people also kindly sent in money for the Send a Cow charity. https://www.sendacow.org/


It is lovely to think how we have helped people in our community as well as a community much further away. 


Thank you to Year 4 , a superb performance, and to all who came along to the assembly. Final big thanks to our fantastic community for their generous donations.

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