Half term!

This half term certainly has flown by!


The children have been as busy as ever in their classrooms and getting out and about. Year One visited Farmer Ted’s on the 29th Sept to coincide with their class topic ‘Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type.’ The trip which combined farming, fun and education enabled children to enjoy learning about animals, habitats and food production. Y2 have been out and about walking around Garswood to learn more about mapping and their local area before then heading off to the World of Glass to to learn more about the history of St Helens and the important role glass making played in our community. Y3 have been finding out about mining— visiting the museum in Wigan and the Dream sculpture in our town. Whereas Y4 have gone further afield into Liverpool to learn about the city and collect some of their own information from the visitors to the town centre as part of geography fieldwork. Y5 took part in a Safety and Wellbeing session ‘Crucial Crew’ to learn all about different ways to stay safe and Reception really enjoyed their pumpkin and fruit picking at Kenyon Hall Farm and almost got lost in the Maize Maze!

Thank you also to our Y6 representatives who attended junior democracy debate and the town centre changes presentation,. Exciting things to come!

We have our Garsmart up and running again  - and despite our toaster breaking the tasty apple bites and fruit smoothies have proven popular. Well done to our school shop team. Luckily the new toaster has been delivered so toast is back on the menu after the break.

We were so impressed with our Year 6 children who delivered House Captain speeches to secure votes in our democratic house system. The quality made it really tricky for the voters and it was  a close run race. Congratulations!

Rowan: Kyle K and Keeley S
Sycamore: Lexie A and Robert M
Chestnut: Toby D and Katie M
Elder: Lucy C and Liam F

Special congratulations to Rowans who also managed to win the House cup this half term!

Finally, thank you to our families for their kind words and also as part of the formal feedback in our parents evening - thank you for your support.

May we take the opportunity to wish you all a wonderful half term. 


There are a selection of photos below but don't forget to check the galleries and receive live updates on Twitter. 

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