
Dear Website visitor,

Once again, I would like to thank our families and our community. We are lucky enough to find ourselves working within a wonderfully supportive community during what has been one of the most challenging times we have ever experienced.

I am proud to lead a team who have been committed to playing our part in the crisis as we have remained open for the children of key workers and vulnerable children. There is also a comprehensive package of home learning. Some of this can be found on our website  https://www.garswoodprimary.co.uk/page/coronavirus/63665 However, the children also brought home with them a pack as we closed the school. We then launched our learning platform on Microsoft TEAMS, where the teachers can directly support and feedback on learning. We email home learning activities each week to our families’ inboxes and we also continue to Tweet activities for children to take part in and enjoy. There are a number of electronic learning packages we have access to and we’ve provided access to these at home.

If you are one of our families and need any assistance we are always available on [email protected]

However, nothing is the same as being back at school. We miss our usual school life enormously and cannot wait for the days when it is safe for us to return to what we know and what we love.

We’ll meet again!

Pam Potter

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