Welcome back to our youngest children - Garswood Nursery
We are all looking forward to welcoming our newcomers in the morning. Some of our nursery children will be returning to us whereas for some children it will be their first real day at nursery school.
All children have had an opportunity to come into school and see what it is like but it may be a little daunting in the morning. Try not to worry - we are all very experienced in supporting young children and helping them to settle. We will keep you informed and involved throughout.
If you are anxious when you have left your child - pop along to the school office and wait in the entrance hall for a little while. We will be able to update you on how they have settled. Alternatively - you can ring at any time and we will give you an update.
We've all been there and know how difficult it can be - often more difficult for the grown ups than for the children themselves!
If you child is finding any aspect of the transition tricky then we will tailor it to their needs. Don't hesitate to contact the school and speak to Mrs Hooton. Obviously she is busy with the children during the school day but before or after school she is always there to help.