Healthy Tuck at Garsmart

Celebration of our new purpose built shop

Featured in the St Helens Star this week!

CHILDREN at Garswood Primary have opened a tuck shop to promote healthy eating within the school.

Laura Rollason, co-ordinator and teacher, is the tuck shop’s founder.

But she says it is the pupils who have taken up the management and sales duties, in a purpose-built area, which is manned during morning break.

Mrs Rollason contacted the company Fruit to Suit, which offers healthy snacks to schools – including sugar and salt free popcorn and dried fruit.

The move is supported by Councillor Sue Murphy, a Billinge councillor who is also St Helens Council’s cabinet member for schools.

She said: “The hope is that the children will learn lots of new skills, and that their confidence levels will be boosted.”

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