Sunshine and school days
First week back for the summer term and we have sunshine. Typically it has waited until we have returned after the school holiday but nevertheless what a lovely start to the term.
Welcome to our new nursery starters. It's so wonderful to see how quickly they settle into the warm, friendly and fun nursery environment.
Congratulations to those families who have secured a place in Reception for the coming academic year. You will shortly be receiving a letter asking for your confirmation to attend an induction meeting. If you do not wish to take up the place you have been offered at the school then please inform us as soon as possible in order that we can offer it to someone on the waiting list.
This week has presented a lovely surprise for the children as we have found a family of frogs in our forest school area. Reception have relocated their water supply for their texture kitchen away from these special visitors but not before providing them with a few daisies (in the absence of any lily pads) to brighten up their new home. We are delighted - what a lovely treat in our forest school area.
We have already began planning an investment into the forest school following the success of FROGS (Friends and Relatives of Garswood School) in acquiring a £10,000 Transform it bid from DHL. Our teachers who are trained in forest school have already started to plan out how it will look and how the addition of a new storage facility will enable the children to have easier access to these super opportunities. Great news!
This week has also seen the start of out parent preparation classes in year 6. These after school classes are giving a chance for parents and children to work together to prepare them for the forthcoming SATS. They tackle not only the tests themselves but also how to manage the build up and associated worries that may arise. First and foremost it is to help the children realise this is an opportunity to show off what they know and can do, without fear or anxiety.
The children across the school have quickly settled into the new term and we enjoyed a super celebration assembly on Friday recognising special achievements. Well done to all children who received a Super Star award and congratulations to Sycamores who have streaked into the lead with house points! Watch this space as Chestnuts are still basking in the glory of their win last half term. Good luck to all houses.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for the most up to date action from school and nursery.