Welcome Back
Dear all,
It has been wonderful to welcome the children back for the final term in school this year. Time flies!
We've settled quickly back into the routines and the children have had lots of smiles. It's been a busy start with Forest Schools getting off the ground in Year 1 and 2, a football match with our juniors against St Aidan's, Y4 had an exciting trip to York to launch their topic on the Romans and we've also welcomed 8 new children into our nursery.
We've also had notification of children who will be starting with us in September. Congratulations to those who have secured a place. Once again we are full for the coming September with 30 children due to enter our Reception class. If you have been unsuccessful we would encourage you to register your interest with the admissions department on 01744 671026 and join the waiting list in case any spaces do become available.
Once again, may I welcome the children and families back to Garswood for the new term. I look forward to all of the adventures to come.
Pam Potter