Welcome back

Welcome back to the new school term!


It has been wonderful to see the children returning this week and to welcome our new nursery and reception children to the Garswood family. It is a big step and another milestone to be enjoyed and remembered. Although for some children it can take a little time to settle, they will very soon get used to the routines and enjoy being part of our happy school. It’s been heartening to see so many smiles and to already hear laughter in the classrooms and on the corridors.


Our new Y6 children have taken to the benches at the back of the hall in assembly and have already risen to the challenge of working with the team and I in leading the school. It is sure to be a wonderful year with them at the helm. Talk will soon shift to the House Captain roles and we look forward to their campaigns.


The children look incredibly smart. Thank you for your efforts in ensuring that the uniform expectations are adhered to. We do have uniform available in our swap shop for those who need it. In our first assembly of the year we talked about community and what it means to be part of a community – how it is important to help others and be aware of the difference we can make to our environment and those in it. We linked this to our values to be kind, be ambitious and be respectful.  We are so lucky to be part of a fantastic community at Garswood.


This may be a good time to mention that we have also registered with a new initiative started by ASDA. If you shop at ASDA and you link your account t our school, we will now be able to build up a cashpot. Please download the Asda Rewards app and select our school!

Over the summer you may notice that we have had some work done at the school - Y1 have had new flooring, the junior corridor has a new door and we have replaced some of the computers in the suite. Furthermore, a big thank you to our new caretaker Mr Riley, who has worked incredibly hard in smartening up and cleaning the site which is making a big difference.


Thank you for your child with their punctuality and attendance as we know the impact this has on their future. Please can I also remind parents and carers to ensure their child stays with them at the start and at the end of the day rather than race ahead or leave the pathways. This is for their safety and that of the others accessing the school site.


As ever, if there is anything we can help with or if you have any questions or concerns – we are always here to work with you. In the first instance the staff in the class can usually help. We also have Mrs Evans our family support worker or you can speak with me or a member of the senior team. Sometimes a conversation is all it takes to help. We all want the same and are working towards the same goal.


Many thanks for your continued support.

Pamela Potter

Head teacher



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