What a welcome!
Where do I begin?
The first week back has been wonderful.
Every time I walk around the classrooms I have a huge smile - so proud, happy and lucky to work in such an amazing place.
First day in was an INSET day so staff came together to look at the priorities for the coming year. Despite high standards, we are keen to work on improving core curriculum areas, with mathematics as our focus - however we have decided our overarching priority is 'kindness'. We are nothing if we are not kind. What more could we want for our children than to be kind and to be treated with kindness. Garswood has always been a great place so celebrating a year of kindness will lift it even more. Across the year you'll find we will be having special events to recognise our year of kindness and hope you will join with us in making our community a kind place too.
Though the INSET day was wholly worthwhile, what is a school without children? Tuesday was the real welcome back. Nursery, Year 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 and 6 all returned. The carnival atmosphere was certainly in the air as we welcomed Katumba Drumming and Carnival band to the school to get the day off to a rousing start. They were amazing and we had children (and parents!) dancing on the path. What a lot of smiles. Workshops throughout the day saw all children joining in and getting to go on the drums and have some fun. It certainly was a great beginning to the year.
Reception joined us on Wednesday and by Friday the whole of the class were settled in and all joined us for lunch. We are delighted with how they've made the transition and for those who have been in our nursery - they've felt very grown up now they are in 'big school'. Again - so much fun and lots to smile about as they learn about the amazing fun they can have in their indoor and outdoor classroom.
The new equipment - funded by DHL following bid from a parent who was a member of FRoGS - has been met with delight. The traversing wall is very popular and the new forest school space and store has already been put to good use by our Y2 children.
Y6 have their new responsibilities are are rising to the challenge. They been super and as I explained to them - because Y6 set the tone for the year - we are certainly in for a wonderful year ahead.
Here's to the new school year - 2018/19.
Pamela Potter