Lesson: Learning Outside the Classroom

Class: Year 4 Year: 2015 - 2016

Though I'm anxious not to spoil any forthcoming Power Points at the Leavers' Assmebly I did want to share with you some of the fantastic images from across the weekend at Borreatton Park!


The children were amazing.


It's the first time we had the pleasure of taking Y4 and I'm so glad that we did. From the youngest to the oldest the children embraced every opportunity that came their way. They were superb ambassadors for our school. Behaviour was immpecable and commented upon by instructors and groupies.


The children had amazing experiences - kayaking, zipwire, climbing, abseiling, trapeze, problem solving in puzzle park, tunnel trail and archery. We celebrated their acheivements and delighted in seeing their confidence grow across the weekend.

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