World Book Day 2018

Lesson: EYFS

Class: Nursery Year: 2017 - 2018

We came to Nursery dressed as our favourite book characters and had a lovely time sharing our favourite stories.

Children looked at books independently, handling them carefully and retelling stories in their own words, demonstrating fantastic attention and recall. They used some impressive vocabulary and forms of speech influenced by their experience of books

Nursery children are enjoying an increasing range of fiction and non-fiction books and know that information can be relayed in the form of print.

The grown ups read stories to the whole class. Children joined in with repeated refrains and suggested how the stories might end. They discussed and described story settings, characters and events and pointed out rhyme and alliteration within the stories.

Children played cooperatively together to develop and act out the narrative of their favourite stories, sometimes adding their own twist to the storylines.

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