Our Gallery
Foundation Stage's Playground Makeover, by Mrs Meehan
Year 1 Garden - Things are starting to grow!!, by Miss Lacey
Tennis Lessons, by Miss Lacey
All for a Good Cause - or should that say custard!, by Mrs Wainwright
Family Association fundraising, by Mrs Potter
Netball lessons, by Mrs Rollason
We Will Rock You, by Mrs Rollason
Novel in a Jar, by Mrs Wainwright
World Book Day, by Mrs Meehan
Knowsley Safari Park Trip., by Mrs Meehan
Year 1 Garden, by Miss Lacey
Chinese Dancing, by Miss Lacey
Year 3/4 Saints Smart School Experience, by Mrs Rollason
Guide Dog Visit, by Mrs Meehan
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Meehan
KS2 disco, by Mrs Wainwright
KS1 disco, by Mrs Wainwright
Year 6 - The Disappearing Bowl!!, by Mrs Wainwright
Great Photos for Kids, by Mr Yearsley
Tree of Life, by Mr Yearsley
Amazing Harry Potter Book Night, by Mrs Potter
Year 6 Science - pinhole cameras, by Mrs Wainwright
Visit to Dewa Roman Experience, by Mrs Rollason
Foundation Stage find the ice!, by Mrs Meehan
Diwali, by Mrs Wainwright