Our Gallery
Field trip to Fairy Glen, by Mrs Calderbank
Year 2 goes to Martin Mere!, by Miss Jenkinson
Remembrance Sunday, by Mrs Bagshaw
Final Forest School of Autumn Term - Reception, by Mrs Bagshaw
What a first half term!, by Mrs Meehan
Woodland Visit, by Mrs Meehan
Pumpkin Picking at Kenyon Hall Farm, by Mrs Bagshaw
PGL September 2022, by Mrs Myatt
Year 6 resilience, by Miss Moon
Self Portraits, by Mrs Bagshaw
Speaking and tasting French foods., by Mrs Calderbank
Solving place value with manipulatives., by Mrs Calderbank
Taste Testers, by Mrs Meehan
Mega Maths, by Mrs Meehan
Our First Weeks in Reception, by Mrs Bagshaw
First Forest School Exploration, by Mrs Bagshaw
PE Peer assessment and critique work., by Mr Yearsley
Botanist, by Mrs Calderbank
Hunter Gatherers, by Mrs Calderbank
Local habitats investigations, by Miss Moon
Resilience training, by Miss Moon
Wonderful First Week Back, by Mrs Meehan
Year 2's visit to Formby Beach, by Miss Jenkinson
Brass Band, by Miss Moon
Germination, by Miss Moon