Year 6: News items
Our School Shop, by Mrs Potter
Roald Dahl Week, by Mrs Potter
Oh, What A Night!, by Mrs Potter
School Council enterprise, by Mrs Potter
Garswood Governors, by Mrs Potter
Y6 SATs, by Mrs Potter
'Egg'tra Exciting Easter , by Mrs Potter
Autism Awareness Week, by Mrs Potter
Lest we forget , by Mrs Potter
Peer Mentors, by Mrs Potter
House Captains, by Mrs Potter
Amazing results, by Mrs Potter
Fundraising Efforts, by Mrs Potter
PGL, by Mrs Potter
Sponsored swim in memory of Zac Barston, by Mrs Potter
Safety First Winner, by Mrs Potter
Year 6 party!, by Mrs Potter
Good luck!, by Mrs Potter
Knitting news!, by Mrs Potter
Having a 'Positively Mad' time, by Mrs Potter
'Pizza' the action!, by Mrs Potter
Winners!, by Mrs Potter
Healthy Tuck at Garsmart, by Mrs Potter
Booster classes, by Miss Moon