Reception: Gallery
Reception go Pumpkin Picking, by Mrs Bagshaw
First Forest School Sessions in Reception , by Mrs Bagshaw
A wonderful week in Reception , by Mrs Bagshaw
Mermaids at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, by Mrs Bagshaw
Mermaids at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, by Mrs Bagshaw
Marvellous Maths and Remarkable Reading , by Mrs Bagshaw
Ugly Bug Ball, by Mrs Bagshaw
Forest School with our Grandparents , by Mrs Bagshaw
Caterpillars , by Mrs Bagshaw
St Helens KS1 Poetry Festival, by Mrs Bagshaw
Reception trip to a Methodist Wedding, by Mrs Bagshaw
Holi Festival, by Mrs Bagshaw
Holi Festival / Bhangra Dance Workshop, by Mrs Cripps
St Helens Open Art Competition , by Miss Jenkinson
Footprints in the Snow, by Mrs Bagshaw
Mathematical Magic, by Mrs Bagshaw
There is no dragon in this story, by Mrs Bagshaw
Pumpkin Picking and Pumpkin Adventures, by Mrs Bagshaw
Reception learn about the 1970s, by Mrs Bagshaw
First Forest School in Reception, by Mrs Bagshaw
A Wonderful Week in Reception, by Mrs Bagshaw
First Week in Reception, by Mrs Bagshaw
Ugly Bug Ball, by Mrs Bagshaw
Caterpillars, by Mrs Bagshaw
Forest School Adventures, by Mrs Bagshaw