Reception: Gallery

Summer Term Forest School , by Mrs Bagshaw

Maths? No Problem!, by Miss Moon

Holi, festival of colour, by Mrs Cripps

Korky Paul School Visit, by Mrs Bagshaw

Forest School Fun, by Mrs Bagshaw

Transient Art, by Mrs Bagshaw

First Forest School, by Mrs Bagshaw

Super Stay and Play, by Mrs Bagshaw

Pumpkin Adventures, by Mrs Bagshaw

Mud and Water Exploration , by Mrs Bagshaw

First Week in Reception, by Mrs Bagshaw

Reception Sports Day, by Mrs Bagshaw

Smelly Jelly Fun, by Mrs Bagshaw

The GIST e safety team, by Miss Moon

Stay and Play, by Mrs Bagshaw

Problem solving, by Mrs Bagshaw

Camping, by Mrs Bagshaw

Workshop Wonders, by Mrs Bagshaw

Caterpillars, by Mrs Bagshaw

RSPB Birdwatch, by Mrs Myatt

KS1 and KS2 Science morning , by Mrs Jenkinson

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