Our Gallery
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Cripps
Harry Potter Book Night, by Mrs Potter
African food tasting, by Mrs Hattersley
Footprints in the Snow, by Mrs Bagshaw
Frosty Fun, by Mrs Cripps
Fun in the snow, by Mrs Hattersley
Hamlet by The Young Shakespeare Co, by Mrs Potter
Mathematical Magic, by Mrs Bagshaw
Mega Maths, by Mrs Meehan
Fit 4 Life, by Mrs Meehan
Owl pellet dissection, by Mrs Hattersley
Y3 Stone Age WOW day , by Miss Jenkinson
Y3's Christmas party & toy day, by Miss Jenkinson
There is no dragon in this story, by Mrs Bagshaw
Festive Fun in Nursery, by Mrs Cripps
Christmas Party!, by Mrs Cripps
The adventures of Buddy the Elf!, by Mrs Cripps
Y3 visits Norton Priory - Victorian Christmas, by Miss Jenkinson
Forest School, by Mrs Hattersley
Tennis Fun, by Mrs Meehan
Tennis Fun, by Mrs Meehan
The Dementia cafe, by Mrs Myatt
'Imagine That!' Visit, by Mrs Cripps
Fizzy experiments, by Miss Moon
Children in Need - Ramble, by Mrs Cripps