Our Gallery
Y2 visit to Martin Mere - living things and their habitats, by Miss Jenkinson
Our First Few Weeks in Reception, by Mrs Bagshaw
Year 1's First Few Weeks, by Mrs Meehan
No Outsiders, by Mrs Calderbank
Egyptian Workshop, by Mrs Calderbank
Trip to Manchester, by Mrs Meehan
Outdoor Provision Spring 2023, by Ms Dodd
Indoor Provision Spring 2023, by Ms Dodd
Holi, by Ms Dodd
Talking Teeth Visitor, by Ms Dodd
Lunar New Year, by Ms Dodd
Oi Frog!, by Ms Dodd
3 Little Pigs, by Ms Dodd
Emergency Rescue, by Ms Dodd
Gruffalo, by Ms Dodd
Billy Goats Gruff, by Ms Dodd
Forest School Fun!, by Mrs Meehan
Materials experiment, by Miss Moon
World Book Night, by Miss Moon
World Book Day, by Mrs Meehan
Longest femur, biggest jump?, by Miss Moon
George Stephenson- Rocket and development of the Railways, by Miss Jenkinson
Local History, by Mrs Meehan
We are artists!, by Mrs Meehan