Year 1: Gallery

Y1 Forest School, by Mrs Jenkinson

KS1 and KS2 Science morning , by Mrs Jenkinson

Family phonics , by Mrs Jenkinson

Y1 Superhero Day!, by Mrs Jenkinson

Submerging ourselves in math., by Mrs Jenkinson

Spotting signs of spring, by Mrs Jenkinson

Pancake recipes , by Mrs Jenkinson

Archery tournament, by Mrs Hattersley

Year 1 - Farmer Teds, by Miss Jenkinson

Maths Fun in Year 1, by Mrs Meehan

National Skipping Day, by Mrs Baker

Exciting Owls, by Mrs Meehan

Final Cookery Club Y1/2, by Mrs Potter

Mexican Main Course!, by Mrs Meehan

Cooking up a treat, by Mrs Potter

L.S Lowry visit, by Mrs Meehan

Archery Club, by Mrs Potter

counting dance, by Mrs Meehan

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